This is for you Vanilla/Dana/Daniela Lisa Johns.
I like the way, you talk to me
You always speak what’s in your mind
The things that I like, you like them too
It’s great to have a friend like you
Happiness may be far away
Don’t you worry, I am here to stay
I’ll make things to sway your way
You say you’re glad to have a friend like me
When you felt down and low
And, when you heard the things you didn’t wanna hear
I told you the things to make you smile
You thank God to have a friend like me
I just think about the things you say
The things that start my brand new day
“I’m glad that you’re no longer sad”
No, there’s no other friend like you
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2009 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Photo by Hogne.
28 responses:
Ajey - There is a beautiful simplicty about these words that I loved immediately, making me smile before reading them. The title and photo were lovely invitations. Thank you.
Thanks Judith. Believe me when I write that I have not met her, nor seen her.
I deduce all this merely by chatting with her and exchanging e-mails. It was just a few days back when I first spoke to her.
And, she is all in a friend one would need. So, this is for her. I hope she likes this. Fingers crossed!!!
Finally my dear friend a new song/poem. I like the way you describe that friendship with simple words but with great meaning. This is the beauty of it.
These words are great
"Happiness may be far away
Don’t you worry, I am here to stay"
What is simple is not necessarily easy!!
The picture is lovely too..describes well the ambiance of the poem.
Thanks Khaled. As I mentioned in my earlier reply, this is for her (my friend) whom I have not met yet.
Hope she likes this one!!!
Glad that you liked it!!!
What a beautiful poem. Sometimes there are connections we can be so sure about without actually meeting face to face. When someone writes words especially for you they hold such meaning...I am sure she will love them because they come from your heart, Katie
Thanks Katie!!! Yea, I agree with you. Words just flew out with feelings when I thought of writing something for her. And, this goes very well with her desire of people being openly expressive.
I just received an e-mail from her. She says she is flattered and glad to read something written specifically for her.
I am so pleased.. when will you get to meet?
ps word verification - blesse :)
Umm, that could probably be during the end of this year. I cannot wait to see her in person and talk to her.
I have no clue as to how she looks. Having said that, I reckon that makes this relationship quite pure, don't you think? I mean, mostly looks tend to change how you see/accept a person.
As of now, we are honest with each other and enjoy the time we spend while chatting via the net.
Great to have a friend like her. But, she says that to me more than I do. So, this song shall make up for it.
Thanks for reading!!!
Very nice poem. Every word is meaningful, but the line that attracted my attention the most is "I’ll make things to sway your way".
Thanks Ali. Well, I have told that to her a couple of times as I mean it. And, I hope I shall abide by it.
Ah, Ajey, she will love it!
Love the music addition to your site, Ajey! Thank you!
I love the photo, as well as the song!
@Judith - Thank you. Yea, she loved it. And, the music added goes well with the mood of my songs.
@Meena - Thank you.
The best thing about this song is it's simplicity.
Honest and filled with emotions.
Thank you. Kept it simple this time; something different from my regularly intense ones.
I've been back to enjoy this a few times. Best wishes for you.
Thank you!!!
Whoa, this one hits home so well it's not even funny!!
Amazingly beautiful! That's all I can say...I'm speechless!!!
@Saadi - Thanks re. Quite simple and sweet, isn't it?
This really is good stuff.
Thanks for guiding me here.
Will browse through your other posts too. Might learn a thing or two, it would seem.
@Aniket - No worries!!!
Beautiful. Can't help but being inquisitive. You wrote this in the month of January. Did you get to meet her? It's April now.
@Viji - Thank you!!! No, not yet.
Simple yet impressive!!
@sudharm baxi - True!!! Thank you!!!
A true friend...! :)
@Diya - Yea, I am. Thanks for reading.
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