(Keyboard and Piano solo)
(Guitar solo)
(Keyboard, Piano and Guitar)
There are things that I have needed
There are chances that I have wasted
There are things that I have wanted
There are chances that I have scanted
When I was loved and cared for
The things I really didn’t care for
They were all in my hands
I didn’t need them so I
Never came back for more
(Music stops)
(Piano, Guitar and Strings)
And I ran beneath the blue cheery sky
As I played along with nothing to worry
And I ran beneath the sky, all carefree
As she looked upon me like a fairy
Like a fairy...
(Drums begin)
(Keyboard solo)
(Keyboard, Piano and Guitar)
Those things that I’d needed
The chances that I’d just wasted
Things that I’d wanted
The chances that I’d scanted
All the love and care reflected
I took them all for granted
They began to fall off my hands
As dawn turns to dusk
My life becomes a husk
(Strings solo)
And I run beneath the dark and cloudy sky
As I pray along with so much to worry
And I run beneath the unforgiving gloomy sky
As she waves and tells me “I’m okay”
And the guilt soaks like a sponge inside me
As she smiles at me but I just stare at her
And my life begins to make sense all over again
As she fades away in the distance forever
Like a fairy...
Like (high-pitch)
A fairy
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2002 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Image by por2able
42 responses:
Seems like you were in the reflecting mood when you wrote this one?!
I loved the starting; really touching!!
I didn't get what you meant by Fairy! You could have used "Angel" but then I guess that would have been ordinary?!
Really good, Bhai! Really good!!
I'm thinkin of convenience store floors (here in America) littered with wasted chances. but love's wasted chances are different. Winning tickets thrown away. Never miss the water til the well goes dry. ~Rick
@Saadi - Yes, I was Saadi. Fairy can be anyone you look up to. Umm, yea, angel would make it ordinary (at least for me). Thanks a lot.
@Rikkij - There's a different take on the song. Thanks for reading.
This is one of my favourites so far Bros...I think because its such a shared experience for us mere mortals...beautiful
@A'Jay - Thanks a lot!!! It's been quite some time I read to your replies here.
i LOVE it. wasted, yes, but not without hope. you go!!!!
@Shadow - Thank you!!!
Lovely, simply lovely, Brosreview. Breeze and substance.
@Judith - Thanks a lot!!!
Very beautifully crafted Ajey loved 'the Light' too.
@Vinay - Thanks a lot
Wow, you really thought about this poem. It is excellent.though I had to read it a few times. Great stuff.
@Beloved dreamer - Thank you!!!
Now... my son recently asked me if he can move back home... Did you happen to talk to him...?
Great lesson in your words!
BTW I said "no".
@Alexandra - Ahem, haha, no, I haven't met him. Yea, make him read this song. He shall realize. Thank you!!!
loved the way u've used 'fairy'. very beautiful
thanks for you comment too and stoppin by..
@Pradeep - Thank you!!! The pleasure was all mine. A beautiful spot you have there.
hey.. beautiful song.. spclly how u've mentioned that at first u were carefree n the sky was blue n later the sky was dark and u were worried.. andd i loved the last 2 lines the most!
@Anushya - Thanks a lot!!! I am glad you like it.
As usual Ajey. You give the simple words a great meaning. I liked that you repeated that section in your song
"There are things that I have needed
There are chances that I have wasted
There are things that I have wanted
There are chances that I have scanted"
It could be the rhyme and how you composed the song but I felt that you needed yourself/us to be aware by repeating it. I also felt that I am running with you especially in the last section (if it is the right word) of your song. You make us all run but thinking while doing it. Impressive my friend!
@Khaled KEM - Shokran!!! You thoroughly examine my songs. And, I like it.
Great post.
Remembering is living in the present
@Walker - Thanks a lot!!!
Wow! You really got my thoughts flowing here! Beautiful!
@Me, myself and I - Thanks a lot!!!
I really really liked the first part. It makes a reader as if he/she is in a scene and acting some romantic role but with tragic end!!! It is realistic. Most of the time, we don't appreciate the things we have so close...coz we we so involved in things that could be out of reach...and we end up losing both...
This is a unique piece:
There are things that I have needed
There are chances that I have wasted
There are things that I have wanted
There are chances that I have scanted
When I was loved and cared for
The things I really didn’t care for
They were all in my hands
I didn’t need them so I
Never came back for more
@Ali - Shokran!!! You're visiting my blog after a very long time brother.
I love:
"As dawn turns to dusk
My life becomes a husk"
I love the piece overall..the regret/remorse and the awakening. I am sure there are other meanings, lol, but I like that one for starters.
@Meena - Hey, that's my fav. line as well. Thank you!!!
I think I like that line cause it succinctly describes the path of life.
@Meena - "I think I like that line cause it succinctly describes the path of life" - Yes, it does. Frankly, it was the third line I wrote in this song.
You are right, reading and I have been kinda disfriended for the last few weeks. I have been actually reading other things but on the on the internet. Sometimes I see regular reading is easier and less harmful to eyes than reading things on the cyberspace.
But I wl be visiting ur wonderful blog more often inshaallah
i can see you walking on deserted path in a country side, eyes casted down a leisurely don't give a damn attitude.. all of a sudden u can see the blue blue skies, clouds rushing by
"The hills are alive with the sound of music
With songs they have sung for a thousand years
The hills fill my heart with the sound of music
My heart wants to sing every song it hears"
and she looked up on you like a fairy :)
the scene changes
a deserted dark moor
whatever u take for granted not with you
"As dawn turns to dusk
My life becomes a husk"
"And the guilt soaks like a sponge inside me
As she smiles at me but I just stare at her
And my life begins to make sense all over again
As she fades away in the distance forever
Like a fairy..."
u ran rather we all do :( sad but true
@Viji - Thanks for sharing your take on this one!!!
Rhymed so beautifully with so much to think about...
Past-Present-Future all muster up here to shout..
You transformed beautiful thoughts into lovely words no doubt...
Loved it!!
@sudharm baxi - I am glad you like this one!!! Thank you!!!
In total I red this one thrice! I swear I felt this way so many times... I love the way you've written this one. Keep rocking :D
@Ms.R - Thrice?! That is a complement in disguise. Thank you!!!
you have voiced the feelings of so many of us mortals. dont we always take for granted, the love we receive? i could identify with many lines, but on the other side (hope u understand what i mean by that)
just made me feel that love is never wasted.
@Chhaya - Yes, I get what you mean. Thanks!!!
I am liking the repetition of words and how they seep into ones brain and remain.
BTW 'dawn turns to dusk' and dusk turns to dawn......always!
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