(Instrumentals – 45 seconds)
I walk alone, hiding from the shadows in the dark
I see the light without an end, the limitless light
In the quest, to see what I am
I take shelter under the tree of life
While darkness covers the light
And, swallows all your might
Look under the three pillars of time
Banished today, thrown into these
Five worlds
I hover and hiss around my
Black bride
In the night I hold
Vengeance by my hand
To burn the shadow
(Instrumentals – 2 minutes)
While darkness shall cover the light
And, swallow all my might, I’ll
Look under the three pillars of time
Darkness shall cover the light
Forbidden from the garden, forever, I am
Wandering in time
I should not have provoked
The night in the day
The sun hides
The cloud cries
What have I done?
My circle is incomplete
What have I done?
(Guitar solo)
(Guitar + Keyboard duo)
(Instrumentals – 2 minutes)
I am burning the shadow
That follows me
While darkness shall cover the light
And, swallow all my might, I’ll
Look under the three pillars of time
Darkness shall cover the light
Forbidden from the garden, forever, I am
Wandering in time
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2008 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Image by Bryant McGill
67 responses:
*dance* I am the first to leave a comment! Ha! Makes a change, hey?
I am thinking your writing has improved since your short break, these recent ones I have read of yours anyways. I am liking the title too; you!
@SarahA - Yes, that is a change. And, a good one. Thank you!!!
Complicated signatures here mate!!! Hell yeah! I am loving this one!!!
Very crafty manner of expressing the situation.
As far as I recall, you called this something else in the past, didn't you? It was "Burn the shadow", right? I think I prefer the old to title to this one. No offence.
@J - Mate, I didn't fiddle with the signatures much. It is still the same.
Yea, I would have used the old title, but I already released something entitled somewhat similar to this song's old title.
Fine writing, deeply penetrating and provocative. This is among my favorites. Nice complimentary photo too. Thank you.
@Judith - Thanks a lot!!!
AJ-burning the shadow that follows me is a great hook. nice flow all the way through. Thinking lots of bass maybe. ~rick
@Rikkij - Yea, this shall carry a heavy bass line. Thanks!!!
This is beautiful.....dark but in a touching way.....Dunno why nd how bt I feel I can relate to it.....luvd it! :)
@Maverick - Thanks mate!!!
Very nice!!
@Greener Bangalore - Thank you!!!
That was amazing. I love your lyrics! :D
Hey, mind writing a guest post for my blog...?
Hi A-J,
You have a great talent for writing these dense beautiful timeless lyrics of yours!
This poems (and the others I have read) balance between dark and light. I would love to hear this with music. Great use of imagery as well.
Oh, and I also like the art work here. It looks Australian.
@Ms.R - Thank you!!! On what topic do you want me to write on?
@Jenny - Thanks a lot!!!
Again and Again you penetrate my soul and you make me
" Wanna dance all night".
P.S. Let me know if you are receiving my emails?
'hiding from the shadows in the dark' that struck a chord with me. lovely!!!
@Inky - Thank you!!!
@Shadow - Thank you!!! I am glad you liked it.
@Poetikat - Thank you!!!
This is beautifully written and reminds me so much of a poem. I really enjoyed it.
@The Write Girl - Thank you!!!
This one hits, it really does.
"Forbidden from the garden, forever, I am
Wandering in time"
Loved it more than anything else..
as always, beautiful.
i really enjoy reading ur lyrics. :)
Wow, dude. That rocks.
I stumbled on your blog and glad I did.
So darned glad I did ;)
I'm a lyricist 4 my school band n would love 2 compose this.Simply awesoooooooooome!well,c my new poem as well.
@Make me disappear - Thank you!!!
@Preetilata - Thanks!!!
@Newbie Mommy - I am glad you like it. Thanks!!!
@Deeptesh - Thank you!!!
Thanks for coming by earlier. A dark yet interesting song. I like it.
@Quackster - Thank you!!!
Congrats on your award too buddy!
@Quackster - Thanks mate!
"Black Bride" was indeed a killer!!
The way you have played around with "time" as a concept packed with human emotions is fantastic.. A different taste...
Keep writing.. I wonder how it would be to hear you singing these... I really wana listen to you.
@Zendagi - Thank you!!!
Classic and a class of its own. If that is the music I heard as I read along, then so be it. The graphic is also intricate.
@Bonnie - Thanks!
Appears not as dark as rather ghostly... I like it!!
@Alexandra - Thanks!
The search never ends, it's what makes the adventure so sweet
ooops you did it again. Ok a cheesey cmment.
Anyway the lyrics just hit you hard. in your face. It has a 'creepy' feeling... a trance like state which forces me to 'Look under the three pillars of time'......
I am Wandering in time
ohh yeah I am wondering in time as well
@Walker - Thanks for reading and yes, the search never ends.
@Riddhi - Ha! I get it. Thanks!
@Riddhi - Yes, I reckon we all are. Thanks again!
guess I am late. Amazing truly...I understand the song perfectly.
Thank you for sharing.
@Viji - Thanks!
Wow! How did I not come here before! I love this space... Amazing work :)
@Satans Darling - Thank you!!! That means a lot to me.
Hi , I found this song simply AMAZING :) excellent lyrics, i kind of connected with it :) and I really like your blog...the whole get up is interesting and intriguing :) Makes me wanna come back :) so, I am blog rolling you for this very reason :) keep posting :)
@The Phantom of the Opera - Thank you! I am glad you liked your time here.
I like the idea of burning the shadow. A real transformation going on there. Wondering on the three pillars of time though. I'm sure it comes from something specific. Back story?
And the slightly altered repetition works so well, draws me on.
Take shelter under the tree of life,...I like that line and don't we all do it? All the best-LL
wow this was so nice..infact an apt time for me to read this....as i can understand it with as much depth...loved this lyrics of urs :)
y do i read and not comment on ur page :( !! so sorry !! i definitely read this song !! coz i remembered it .. and thats good enough to say.. i liked it :)
@Woman in a Window - Thanks!!! Umm, not really, there is no back story, it is a metaphor.
@Lorenzo - Thanks!!! And, yes, we all do it.
@mysterious gal - Thank you!!!
@Pretty Me!! - Nah, that is okay. It must have slipped your mind. Thanks!!!
Are you Hiro Nakamura who was trapped in a timeless and dark place?
This one has a bit of fantasy from how I see it. Of course, in a literal sense. But, what i like about this is that, the singer is either stuck in a decision or predicament where he can't do or is hindered from doing anything about it.
A crossroad perhaps or a life changing event which necessitates some for of major choices in his way. Too big to just decide right now.
So, Aj, how did I do?
@zorlone - Ah, you can take it in a fantasy sense. Or, just infer it in life itself. It might be easier if you believe in rebirth.
Thanks for reading!
absolutely beautiful.
@thoughts - Thank you!!!
Black Bride?!?!
Since when did you go goth?!? Kidd'in!!!
Okay I'm gonna be honest, I read this quite a few times but I couldn't get anything after the Bride! :(
Sorry! This went totally over me!
@Saadi - Thanks, man! Yes, this one is a bit hard to understand.
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