This song is written/co-edited with my good friend Rick John (One Big Love)
Please read and comment on our past efforts Album MEMORIES COME ALIVE
(Guitar INTRO)
(Bass begins with MALE VOCALS w/o Drums)
I dreamt, a bad dream last night
You and I, were torn in a fight
Tears streamed, leaving your eyes dry
Breathing on to sigh, you went on to cry
This is the way I’ve felt for you
I feel and I’ll keep feeling this way
I’ll wake up and beg you to stay with me
I hope my dream is untrue
(Drums + Rhythm Guitar begin with Chorus below)
No, no, I don’t need no sun
Just you, you are the only one
No, no, I won’t let you go
In my dreams, I‘ll keep you alive
I know you feel like walking away
But, I’ll be here, looking to you from far away
You feel, what my eyes say to you
No, there are no words that can say
Just how I feel for you
(Drum Fill)
This is the way I’ve felt for you
I feel and I’ll keep feeling this way
I’ll wake up and beg you to stay with me
I hope my dream is untrue
Say, it’s not true
No, no, I don’t need to see no sun
Just you, you are the only one
No, no, I won’t let you go away
I’ll hold you tight in my dreams
(Drum Fill + Scale Change)
Sometimes we miss the one when left far away
Baby, I miss you now
I should have, when I could have told you to stay
(Drum Fill + Primary Scale Achieved)
No, no, I don’t need no sun
Just you, you are the only one
No, no, I won’t let you go
In my dreams, I‘ll keep you alive
(Guitar Bridge)
Until the sun stays to shine
You’ll stay forever mine
(All instruments stop except Rhythm Guitar)
This is the way I’ve felt for you
This is the way I feel for you
And, this is the way I’ll feel for you
Until I die
Copyright © Ajey Padival and Rick John 2002/2009 (Australia/United Kingdom; ajeypadival@msn.com and rikkij77@yahoo.co.uk)
Image by Ahermin
70 responses:
Like this one lots.....You are Rick are on a roll
Nice lyrics
I keep reading all your posts, some I have said this is your best so far, and it was true, until NOW.
I have mixed feelings on this one, feelings of having such a dream, feelings of sadness, happiness, letting go when I should not HAVE, feelings of wanting to wake up from this dream, feelings of true love,; It brought tears to my eyes, I so love this piece.
Until the sun stays to shine
You’ll stay forever mine
Touched the Heart!1 Great write you two
BTW, it just hit me now that Rick is your friend. ha ha. I should have known, That GUY makes Laugh, his comments are sincere and totally honest and to the point. Like you
Ok I have babbled enough. SMILES
what is interesting here is that you've chosen to start out with a dream, which could be literal or figurative, we speak of life events as dreams sometimes.
The first paragraph is a little bit difficult to understand, was he crying and she was showing no emotion, then perhaps she was sighing and crying for a different reason then he was? (Oi' that's a tongue twister or something)
But then that's the good thing about songs, you can put connotations to words by the way they are sung.
Are the dual vocals both male voices?
I'm thinking that the part where it says "I know you feel like walking away. But, I'll be here, looking to you from far away..."
Poetically you could put "to stay" if your trying to get the sense of distance though, far away works better. (Plus I guess it leads the reader to think that she has already left)
I really like the last two stanza's (is there a different way to say it in music speak... versus?)
"Until the sun stays to shine, you'll stay forever mine."
and I really like the dramatic end to the other music (except the guitar) as the last verse is sung.
Like this one guys! Nice collaboration!!
@Linda - Thanks, you!!!
@inky - Thanks a lot! I am glad you like this one and the "heartfelt" factor is obvious.
Umm, well, we are friends via the blog, strictly. Yes, it is his sincerity I admire as well.
Thanks again!
@Strawberry Girl - Perhaps, it is about a dream that sadly came true.
Yes, the dual vocals in the beginning are both males. When I use the word "dual" I mean, both the vocals are on different scales giving that dramatic effect. Imagine it and you'll get my point.
Frankly, this was written in 2002. And, I remember writing "to stay" (as you've imagined). But, then, I probably scratched it out and changed it to the current line. And, I am glad that change helps you get the essence of it.
Yes, it is called a "verse" in songwriting.
The last dramatic effect was added in the last moment, frankly. I was just imagining the entire song and I thought why not I complete it as a cycle. So, I went back to the beginning of the song where it starts off with simple guitar strokes. It is also because I imagined the lead to sing this alone in his room with his acoustic guitar. The rest of the instrumentation is just added for a conventional song-like effect, frankly.
Thanks for appreciating our effort. It means a lot!
@Alexandra - Thanks a lot!
Hi AJ,
You and Rick did a wonderful job collaborating on this song. Your intro is especially strong and powerful.
@The Write Girl - Thanks!!!
It speaks a lot, actually more than a lot!
Heartfelt lyrics! Kudos to you both
@Make Me Disappear - Thanks mate!!!
beautiful lyrics... it captures the feeling of foreverness!!
Hi Ajey and Rick,
Really great! There is a restrained eery feeling in the dual vocals, which is brilliantly written:
"I’ll wake up and beg you to stay with me
I hope my dream is untrue"
Dreamy, multilayered and surreal.
I can see your passionate style here, Ajey. But also another tone, which must be Rick's influence. Interesting.
Great lyrics and as always, it is a pleasure reading your work! Your blog is one of my favourites.
AJ- You're such a gifted natural song writer, it's a pleasure to walk through lyrics with you and find a destination. Thanks! ~rick
@Pulkit - Thanks!!!
@Jenny - Thanks a lot! I am glad you like this song and my blog too.
@Rikkij - Thanks mate! Remember, this is a joint effort!
You changed the color of the links on your page :) I used to have trouble finding the post a comment link :P
I loved it, I have been feeling the same way some time ago... This would really be an amazing sound the way I am imagining it right now :)
@Satans Darling - Glad you sensed a connection! Thanks!!!
what a team you two are! i felt these words right in my soul, and shed a little tear...
@Shadow - Thanks!!!
I somehow can see Rick's style and parlance overshadow you !! lol
But then, do you upload the songs somewhere or sort of release them, so we can listen you ??
@Aditya - Okay. No, I have not uploaded it anywhere. Thanks for reading.
This is grand, complex lyrics, which is a joy to read.
You are an outstanding songwriter. I agree with Jenny on this lyrics, there is another tone here too; they are melting together perfectly.
Great teamwork!
Built beautifully on a dream...could see that you badly want to wake up from this dream, the desperation to stop her from leaving, true love...
I can't believe it's a joint effort. The piece is in perfect harmony...kudos to you and Rick John.
lines I loved:
"Tears streamed, leaving your eyes dry"
"Until the sun stays to shine
You’ll stay forever mine"
Any particular reason for the double negatives in "I don’t need no sun"?
"I’ll wake up and beg you to stay with me"
"I'll wake up and beg you to stay" can "with me" be spared?
Just my thoughts...
"Dreams of you"...breath taking.
This was amazing. I like the lyrics, they're thoughtful and they're simple. If I'd actually have a heart, I'd cry :) Will patiently wait for an online upload.
@Ande - Thanks mate!!!
@Viji - Thanks, you!!!
@BloggerMouth - Thanks!!!
"Until the sun stays to shine
You’ll stay forever mine "
This is great; if you are still sleeping and dreaming, you're saying that she'll stay forever yours while you dream, but will be gone if the sun rises and you wake.
At first I thought maybe the "until" can be replaced with "while", but it makes sense too in your way, especially since the title is "Dreams of You"
Loved the lyrics....I think you two should collaborate more often.
Every line spoke so much of the immortality of love...especially the one..
"I know you feel like walking away
But, I’ll be here, looking to you from far away
You feel, what my eyes say to you
No, there are no words that can say
Just how I feel for you"
enjoyed reading!! Keep writing!!
Your composition makes me think.. why do we realize the worth of a person after s/he is gone?
why do we need distance to realize how painful life can be without them?
needless to say, i liked it. Its not as heavy as some of your other creations, but deep enough to touch the heart
@Honey Bee - Thanks!!!
@dreamer - Thanks!!!
@Chhaya - Yes, this is not that heavy as other songs of mine. Still, I am glad you like it. Thanks, you!!!
This is beautiful brose.. very very beautiful.. Like mushy and all.. a bit emo.. But all very soothing.. and 'aww'.. :) I don't know if i felt this way before after reading the lyrics..
@Riddhi - Thanks a lot!!!
I loved this one .. wanted to send it to a friend .. this song can say a lot of feelings between friends, lovers .. all !!! thanks for sharing :)
@lostmermaid - Thanks! Please quote both mine and my friends' name Rick, if you choose to use it. Thank you!
Awesome!!! I didn't know you and Rick were in kahoots. Great song and wonderful music. Blessings!!!
@Marion - Well, we are but strictly via this blogosphere.
Thank you!!!
Great romantic song.
Please see this through. Do you mind?
What a perfect beauty, deep love.. hope it is a dream :)
@Bonnie - Thanks! Not at all, I shall go through it in a few minutes.
@thoughts - Thank you!!!
There are a lot things we can want in this world, but there is nothing compared to the love that we desire from that person etched in our hearts.
Powerful lyrics Ajey! Congratulations to Rick too!
I think everyone's pretty much said it all for me.... this is one fantastic song!
There are some loves that should never be let go of. Beautiful one, Ajey and Rick.
@Zorlone - Thanks mate!
@Robin - Thanks!!!
@Woman in a window - True! Thank you!!!
i like the message of this song..nice one! :)
@music business - Thanks!
i really wish u had this song tuned and ready Ajey...
its beautiful.. especially the dual vocals i loved a lot...
@Leo - Thanks mate!
Loved this one. It's one of your best ones! :) ♥♥
@Cursed - Thank you!!!
Waiting to hear these lines set to tune...
Take a bow guys...
Peace. Be well.
@Kartz - Thanks!
Quite clichéd, still, the feel is there. Keep it up!!!
@J - Thanks mate! And, yes, I confess, this one is "quite clichéd".
This truly left me to sigh a bit...was just amazing and the aspect of true love was so deep that it cd pierce the heart...loved it....infact i would love to hear this song the lyrics are just so amazing....and when sung would be equally mind blowing....lovely :)
Keep writing
@mysterious gal - Thanks!
wow - haven't we all been here -
you hit all the right notes -
the longing - the resignation -
you're good babe.
@Nadege - Thank you!
Ur collaborations with Rick John are really good, he gives you the pop feel...not that you need it!
But he brings this really nice touch to it...lol...I hope you're getting me!
Nehow...pretty good, Bhai!
@Saadi - Thanks!
I like this one.
Words of wanting for a ray of sunshine
@Walker - Thanks mate!!!
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