(Piano INTRO)
(Bass begins)
(Guitar begins)
Go on
Go on my child
Let her fall
Don’t care
There is nothing to be ashamed of
Just cry
(Piano + Guitar Duo - 4 seconds)
(Drums begin)
(Drum fills + Instrumental section – 1 minute)
(Guitar Stops)
(Soft drums + Bass + Piano Bridge)
(Guitar Bridge)
(Drum fill)
(All instruments begin)
My lonely child
Let the drop of tear
Flow out without fear
My lonely child
Don’t hear the untrue
Don’t fear the truth
My lonely child
The tears you shed
Shed away sadness
Bid goodbye to happiness
(Guitar stops)
Relieve your heart
You, deserted child
(Drum Fill)
(Guitar begins + Solo)
Cry (ECHO x3)
My lonely child
The sun is shining high
But, let your tears rain
A forgiving pain
Cry (ECHOx3)
My lonely child
The cat moans
The dog howls
The child cries
(All instruments stop except Piano + Bass)
Cry (ECHOx3)
Let the tears flow to the ground to
Sink the past deep into the ground
“It is okay to cry”
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2002 (Brisbane, Australia; +61434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Image by Aiae
77 responses:
Jennifer says, "This is AJ's best, innit?". I say, "This is him being very close to best". After all, you know my stand on being "the best".
As I wrote some time earlier, eight years, and I have still not understood you completely.
This is a fantastic piece, son. I read it, and read it again and again. It takes time to sink in and to feel its core as you've written this in a very unusual style. I mean, any other songwriter would have written on this theme in a more elaborate manner. But, you have not.
But, once anyone reaches the nucleus of this piece, they are bound to feel you and "cry". I admire the musical progression here.
And, to me the best part, apart from the lines, is the vocal genders you've chosen. Bravo! This is so unconventional. Had it been anyone else, they would use females for the recitals. You've used male vocals. Males mostly hide their tears. You've gone the other way round. And, the last line sums it up all well.
Before I get carried away, let me just finish my writing, I am proud of you!
All the best!
@J - Thanks a lot, sir!
Lovely, lovely piece. It seemed to envelope a person with reassurance and comfort. Well done, as always.
@findingmywingsinlife - Thanks a lot!
@Poetikat - Thank you!!!
A lot of pain and compassion in this one. Like it a lot!
@Alexandra - Thank you!!!
Hi AJ,
I totally agree with your sentiments. It is okay to cry. What an emotional and thrilling piece of work. Thanks for sharing as always : )
@The Write Girl - I am glad you like this post. Thanks!!!
Nice one Ajey! :)
@Maverick - Thanks
There are so many echos in this song. The lyrics bring to mind a police officer cradling an abandoned or abused child in the middle of the night. Yet the sun is high, the high sun is harsh, which can only be softened by clouds. Rain clouds, like tears falling to the ground, soaking deep into the ground. The compassion that is shown here is amazing, sometimes it seems we need to be given permission to cry, especially when in shock from some tragic event.
There are so many layers in this song, I agree with J, this is one of the most amazing songs that I have read. Beautiful piece, I love it!!
@Strawberry Girl - Thank you!!! And, you are spot on with your observations!
Ajey, you have captured the very essence of compassion here. It's a moving, healing work of art. You are truly gifted. Blessings!!
@Marion - Thanks a lot!!!
AJ-this one has me imagining a large empty room with someone all alone sitting in a corner. very tender. ~rick
@Rikkij - Thank you
you've knocked my socks off!!!! outstanding!
@Shadow - Thanks!!!
For the Nth time m asking .. when will you put these wonderful words in music ?? i know i will definitely not stop my tears when i hear this !
@lostmermaid - That is so sweet of you. I promise, once I get a chance I shall record these and I shall personally send you a copy. Thank you!!!
Nice one....
@Jeeves - Thank you
brilliance in its complete beauty!!
loved the work again!
ur very talented!!
@PULKIT - Thanks!
Hi Ajey ...
This is poignant. You have probably captured the moment of waekness every male chauvinist faces. Tears do win over.
Males rarely admit to crying but then letting it go once in a while .. is certainly not a bad thing.
It was a difficult theme you chose .. you have done justice to it.
Keep writing =)
@Aditya - Heh, yea, thanks!
Ajey brother, this is you at your best! You Never ever fail to deliver!
Fantastic, absolutely fantastic!
Great writing as usual, Ajey! I agree with Aditya's insightful comment above. Yeah, there is certainly a strong taboo for men to cry. As you say: "It is okay to cry"! It is okey for men to laugh and then I can see no reason why it should be wrong with some weeping. I think it is important to recognize both dark+light sides of life and not see them as anti-theses.
Anyways, I agree, let it all out (despite gender) and then: "Sink the past deep into the ground".
It was nice. But you've written better. Good work. Keep writing :)
Let the tears flow to the ground
to sink the past into the ground.
In tears as I read, in tears as I feel, I feel this piece deeply, in tears as for some it is hard to CRY, for others, like me I cry buckets.
I reach out to this lost lonely child , hold them close, allowing the tears to sink into the ground, mixed with mine.
Crying is not a sign of weakness!!TY AJ your the best.. SMILES
dear ajey,
i too agree.. its alright to cry.
fabulous again.
Hiya !
Yur way of writing has given it a wowwww look....i enjoyed it...
beautiful song AJ... tender touches the deeper soul :) beautiful..
@Make Me Disappear - Thanks, I am glad you like this one!
@Jenny - Yes, as J put it and Aditya elaborated, it's okay to shed a tear. Thanks!
@Fatima - Thanks
@inky - Thanks! Yes, "crying is not a sign of weakness"
@thoughts - Thanks!
@Escapist - Thanks!
Very moving. Made my heart flutter. Music is food for my soul and this is exquisite dining.
@Technobabe - Thanks!
Deeply moving... one of the best!
@Robin - Thanks!
Hello there!
If you have some time, I invite you to please visit my site
sentimental poetry,
essays, etc.
Thank you and have a nice day! :)
A song is not poetry. That's why it has it's own beauty. Your songs are testimony to this. Actually, it is so much better than so many poems. Thanks for this post. If any of the posts on your blog encapsulate the beauty of a song in the greatest detail possible, it is this. No that the rest aren't great... this is simply better.
Oh AJ, what a heartbreaker of a
song. Sad, yet tears are good
for the soul.
Lots of comments on here! You really moved people with this one. I forgot to mention in my comment that when I read this post, it reminded me for some reason of Queensryche's song, "Silent Lucidity"
Hats off to you my friend, your writing has resonated with many, many people if these comments are anything to judge it by :)
I have read a lot of your lyrics, and your getting better and better. This is one of your best! :) It’s delicate and at the same time so full of power.
@Jm - Sure! I shall visit your spot! Thanks for reading.
@BloggerMouth - Thank you!!! And, yes, I agree with the difference you've established between poetry and songs.
@Cynthia - Glad you think so. Thank you!
@findingmywingsinlife - Yes, I have helped people relate to this one quite successfully.
Oh yes, although vaguely, I recall that song.
Thank you!!
@Ande - Thank you! Well, this was written in 2002, let me point that out to you.
There is strength here, Ajey. Some tend not to see strength in tears, especially for men. But there is indeed strength here. There is abundant beauty too. I love it that such a young man can feel so deeply and express himself so richly. You are inspiring. Thank you.
@Judith - Thanks, you!!!
d pik is awesome n even d song...
@blue eyed soul - Thanks!
its pretty and sad. I want the narrator to be close by when i am sad. crying is cathartic.
@Meena - Yes, it is very very emotional, this piece. Thanks for reading!
I read this and I'm moved and inspired. You are so talented. I wish I was half the writer you are. Truly beautiful.
@Rebekah - Ah, thanks! Frankly, you are a good writer yourself!
@Wendilea - Thanks a lot!!!
AJ - lol! Sorry, now I have made a fool of myself.
I didn't see when it was written. Can't understand how you could have written this when you where seventeen! You should see the things I wrote when I was seventeen.
Well done, again :)
Kind of cynical and dark at the same time!!
N 'Cry'..the title though would make the person think that it would be a female song but turns out not to be so!
Nice going, Ajey Bhai!
@Ande - No, not at all. Most people tend to forget notice the copyright footer which is the actual date when the song was written.
@Saadi - Thanks!
Tears are the blood of the soul
@Walker - Yes, thanks for reading!
So cool! I heard myself sing... although it's my own "emo" version of the song. I'm sure your heavy metal style might not agree.
Btw, let me just commend you for being able to blog hop and still be able to make wickedly awesome songs!
Hats of mate!
@zorlone - Thanks mate! Ah, you see, this one does not really fit into the meter of heavy metal.
Again, thank you!
wow... i wonder why i found myself crying after reading this Aj...
i liked the words... wonder what it'd sound lke when sung! :)
@Leo - Thanks!
this was simply outstanding....and the last words "Its okay to cry" just summed it all....so very perfect and amazing...the feeling, the words, the emotions everything was just beyond words! a big bow to u ! keep writing :)
@mysterious gal - Thanks!
The simplicity in this one married with the notion of a child is perfect Brosreview. What an indeliably sad touch you gave here. Nice, although I wish the crying were otherwise.
@Woman in a window - Thanks!
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