(Strings + Percussion INTRO)
(Drums begin)
(Strings and Guitar dual)
We stand tall
Expecting nothing, accepting anything
Flooded with warnings
Spearing from all directions
As the Sun is blotted now
Shadows cover our lives
Frozen minds choose not
To understand the cause for this fear
Prisoners of time, we are
Looking for a change
With no feelings for others
We leave the rest to suffer
Caught up in this cold inertia
Dreams slip by with the loudest screams
Living a life relying on lies
We try for the artificial until we die
(All instruments stop except Percussion)
A spell of love needs to be casted
(Drums begin)
(Violin Solo)
(Guitar Solo)
(Violin and Guitar dual – 3 minutes)
Save us! Help us!
Help us! Save us!
(Drums break + Percussion begin)
Caught up in this cold inertia
Dreams slip by with the loudest screams
Living a life relying on lies
We try for the artificial until we die
(Drums begin)
Save us! Help us!
Help us! Save us!
Caught up in this cold inertia!
Dreams slip by with the loudest screams!
Living a life relying on lies!
We try for the artificial until we die!
(Strings solo – EXTRO)
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2006 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Image by Patrick
56 responses:
I like this post and I can fantasize the auditory....
Interesting....Detachment but with involvement in the process if not the solution....unable to act...even to move(?)toward recovery?
Is love the answer....the question?
@Linda - I like your interpretation. And, that precisely is the point or the dilemma, love; is it the answer or the question?
Thank you!!! I am glad you like this one.
Powerful song AJ. I especially love this verse "Dreams slip by with the loudest screams..."
Beautifully written.
I think this one could be interpreted a number of different ways. None of them warm me. They all leave me feeling vulnerable.
@The Write Girl - Thanks!!!
@Woman in a window - Frankly, that is something I was aiming for. Thanks for reading!
i dont know why, but this sent me back to the time right after 9/11..
i really dont know the reason. may be its the chaos after that and the sense of intense detachment towards others, bcz we were so caught up with our own sense of security.
there were so many conditions o love and on trusting people we had known whole our lives..
i may be totally off the track here, but this is exactly how i felt.
needless to say, i liked it :)
"shadows cover our lives"
some how i really liked this line .. dark but so thoughtful ... :)
Hi Ajey,
Really Cool!! "Frozen minds" programmed for self absorption.
"The spell of love needs to be casted" - so true!!
Good write!!
@Chhaya - I admire your take. And, that suits my dilemma as well. Thank you!!!
@lostmermaid - Thanks!!!
@Alexandra - Thanks!!!
I really like this text! For me, it feels like an image and critique against a scary artificial technocratic world. Makes me think of Huxley's "Brave New World". It could also be seen as critique against totalitarianism, I think.
Really good writing!
@Jenny - Thanks, I like your take!
AJ- it would seem as though this one catches us in our chicanery. Songs that point is inward are the deepest kind. Nice job! ~rick
@Rikkij - Thanks mate!
Expecting nothing, accepting anything.... superb line.
the song makes me feel the never ending chaos around me where each one of us struggling for so many things say security, job, success, food...etc. but the mental piece is nowhere.
@Preetilata - Thanks a lot!
raw raw emotions. i understand too well... excellent dear ajey!
@shadow - thanks a lot!!!
so many emotions I feel with this. I felt vulnerable, frightened!! Been there ..
I do like how your heart and soul guides you in your writing.. Excellent Bros. SMILES
@inky - Thanks a lot!!! Yes, there is so much of myself in it.
A spell of love needs to be casted... The writing connects to me in many ways. Beautiful work Ajey :)
its so very beautiful, and apathy described so beautifully...
For me it is the indecision about what to do, with so many things that you could do. It is hard to grasp even one thing, then yes life seems to slip past you, you "scream" silently as your opportunities slip past you in your "inertia."
(Frustration well captured here Ajey) ;D
Caught up in this cold inertia! Whoa!
This song hit me hard!
And I can't stop humming it! I already have a tune for it, heh!
Simple, yet profound!
I'm trying my hands in coming up with a new series of poems on love with a hint of dark element in it.
I would feel really happy if a song like Cold Inertia results out of my efforts, though I doubt.
"Caught up in this cold inertia
Dreams slip by with the loudest screams
Living a life relying on lies
We try for the artificial until we die"
You did it again! awesome write... I loved the above stanza, beautifully woven - it's like to two venomous snakes coiled together looks a beautiful sight but? sorry i give up...
@Satans Darling - Thanks!!!
@thoughts - Thanks, you!!!
@Strawberry Girl - Nicely put! Thank you!!!
@Make Me Disappear - Thanks.
@Viji - You'll come up with much better lines, for sure. Good luck! And, thank you!!!
I recall complaining about the weird style in this one. The flow is so very obstructed in this one.
It was only after you explained to me its purpose, I gave in.
Nice work!
@J - Thanks mate!!!
Your words make me look at myself. Look within myself.
@SarahA - Thanks for reading!
excepting nothing,accepting anything!
I wonder how in many sense my life is summed up in this line...
happy to see the non selection anti piracy code working now at ur page :D
tc god bless!
@PULKIT - Thanks!
i enjoyed the lyrics.
well written
thanks for commenting on my posts mate.
god bless
@Pradeep - Thanks for visiting!
this one is really good. deep.
@thoughts - Thank you!
The lyrics are moving, Ajey. Complicated and contradictory opening and refrain. There is a strong sense of helplessness here, of forces beyond our control affecting our lives: the sun, time, and inertia. We are "caught up." Yet, we have choices but ones that obviously can't make a difference because there remains the cry: "save up, help us."
@Judith - Thanks!
There is a feeling of helplessness portrayed in the song. All you can do is to call out for help.
Whew! Another heavy creation Ajey!
@zorlone - Thanks!!!
The way you use "inertia" is very nice. I perceive the composition as an invasion of plasticity in our lives. The lack of emotions and feelings is surely taking it's toll. Maybe a spell of love is all we need. I could identify with this one as off late I'd been thinking about how we're all becoming more and more plastic.
Keep writing !!!
@aditya - You are right with your observation. Thank you!!!
Wow. So true. I would so love to hear it.
@Catvibe - Thanks!
Not only have u written a powerful song but.. u also delivered a inspiring message...
In b/w.. ur comments awaited on my new post after 2 long months..
@Gautam - Thanks!!!
this sort of spoke to me... reminded me of me i think!! cool...
prisoners of time.. powerful words...
@Leo - Thanks mate! Yes, this is intense and personal too!
I liked the opening two lines alot...and I mean alot!! :D
I know though I am in no way on the spot with this one...but this song somehow reminds me of the 'Judgment Day'!
@Saadi - Thanks!
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