(Clean Guitar INTRO)
(Flute Solo)
(Drums begin)
She said “no”
And, I nodded
Dreams I’d dreamt
(Strings begin)
A shadow been casted
On my lifelong ambition
Adopted but left
Stranded in these known streets
(Clean Guitar solo)
The fragrance
Evaded from the flower
Dreams I’d dreamt
I am feeling more pain now
I see everything clearly now
Silent stares
Speechless emotions
(Flute and Vocal DUAL)
Eyes fear to look at her
Lips fear to speak to her
And, I bury my feelings
Inside of me
(Drums break)
Did I do the right thing
In not telling her what I should have
Or, did I do the right thing
In telling her everything
(Drums begin)
Evading myself
I faded away
Dreams I’d dreamt
(Flute solo)
I saw her again
And, my heart felt the pain
The past
Pricked my eye
My heart begins to beat faster
As I feel sadness in my happiness
This silly heart of mine
Starts dreaming again
The world that I created in my dreams
The one that shattered a while back
Returning to that dream
Was not what I had in mind
I recover from the feel
That broke me down in my past
Those meaningless
Dreams I’d dreamt
(Drums stop)
(Piano break)
(Rhythm guitar strokes)
She said “no”
And, I nodded
Dreams I’d dreamt
Then, she said “yes!”
To him
(Drum roll)
(Electric guitar solo)
She said "yes!"
But, to him
She said "yes!"
And made my dreams
Go meaningless
(All instruments stop except Piano)
Is what she leaves me with
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2009 (Brisbane, Australia; +61434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Image by lindelokse
21 responses:
Darling, this is so straightforward, it cuts right to the heart of the empty feeling from rejection... oh it cuts to even think of it! Your dreams have meaning with me darling... xx
@SG - Muwah! Muwah! You know I am in love with you, right? Muwah! My dreams can never be meaningless with you. Muwah!
Nice. Meaningless is right. Heh. Life is not just unfair, it's cruel. Good one, Bros.
This made my heart ache. It is like a memory to me of a life I wish I could forget because he gave it to her and ruined it for me. Wow, that made my heart really ache.
While there are pangs of fear and rejection, there remains hope. After all, he keeps dreaming. Nicely written, Ajey.
Something just came to me: It is the multiple layers in your writing that keeps us coming back for meaning. We are all layered beings. Thank you, my young talented nephew.
I feel every word of this song. I can relate to every single feeling and thoughts this piece portrays. I can understand what the person is going through. The emptiness, the inadequacy, the gloom is all to be seen and all that brought out this is just one word - "No". Really touching song, Ajey. Really nice.
This is an amazing song AJ. There is always something emotional and heartfelt in your words. Beautifully written.
The title draws me in and I am thinking is this so? No! No dreams are meaningless to me.For they all mean something, even if it's not the meaning we want; or even think we want.
Your words have got me thinking; see!
its really painful and heart aching.
This touches the core.. The pain, the lonliness, the meaningless life.. Only rejection from ones love can cause such an effect..
@blogger Mouth - Yes, I attempted to portray something likewise. Thanks.
@Eva - Yes, this is quite painful.
@Judith - Yes, Aunt, you are so right! Thanks!
@Judith - yes, Aunt, we are all layered beings. I agree! Thanks so much!!!
@Vittaldas - Yes, exactly! Thanks.
@The Write Girl - Thanks!
@SarahA - Yes! I have got you thinking now! Thanks!
@island of peace - yes this is!
@Nikki - Yes, that is true.
Very meaningful!!! This is a strange one coming from u...str8forward and direct!!!
Great going, Bro!!
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