Look at me, looking at you through the broken mirror
Far from His embrace
One invincible image filled with terror
The boneless meat left with no trace
Bathed in sorrow, unmasking the truth
Blow away the candle, see the grinning face
(Instrumentals – 3 minutes)
Emptiness fills the need of contentment
Testify the undying love
For an unspoken word and a glimpse
A token I’ll conquer to be a witness
(Drums stop)
(Guitars only)
Absorbing the vapour
I grasp the hand on fire
Outrunning the scythe
As I wriggle in my pyre
(Drums begin)
The moon hid as I crossed my destiny
A dream would make this an irony
(Guitar solo)
The branches embraced me tight, as if I was their own
In pain but comfort, I drone
Her untied hair, a delightful spectacle
With a stare in her eye, she becomes an Oracle
My Oracle!
The Oracle!
(Music fades out)
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2009 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Image by URQ
42 responses:
A profound sense of being lost and rather helpless. yet there is a sense of a fight, a struggle. Is there a feelings of having committed a crime or may be having broken a heart? the dilemma is very interesting. The pain depicted in a very aesthetic way....
I am glad I read this :)
@Chhaya - A nice synopsis, a different angle for my song. Nice! Thanks!!!
wow this was different.....some way it symbolized Gothic, the struggle to win, the pain and the power to wanting to overcome it......something mystic like a oracle was appropriate to fully define a mystic song......it was like a supernatural beauty embedded in this song.....i m glad i read it.....it gave me a sense of positivism in the mystic!
"Look at me, looking at you..." sounds like envy showing through the fear. And then feeling empty is at least feeling, at least something.
For this event to be so intense that even the moon hid for the crossover, wow.
My hubby is a composer/musician. He played guitar over 30 years and has dealt with bipolar disorder 40 years, 10 times in a hospital. He is composing 7 instrumentals and it takes much work to surpass the meds necessary for him so it is taking a long time. But I think that is the reason I am so in tune so to speak with your blog. I can hear your music because I am used to hearing my husband's music. What is the drum beat and are the guitars in rhythm, ambient? That's a good graphic for this music I think.
AJ, I love this piece. It's haunting, powerful, ethereal and just plain great writing! The photo with it fits perfectly. Blessings, friend!
Thanks for your kind invite. This is intriguing, but a bit refined and stylistically too cultured for my savage tastes. I think the music is a problem. All this is just my opinion on a quick first read. My poetry is much more an agonized scream or long whine.
Ajey it's been too too long, since we had the pleasure to read yours..
Oracle sounds grand. Mystic, searing pain, power, love unleashed everything is there... but am I missing something? It's like a mirage to me.. I sense something but when I try to reach out it's just not there.. Or am I imagining things?
@mysterious gal - Thanks! I am glad you liked this piece!
@TechnoBabe - Well, then, you can capture the essence of the instrumentation I pen down here. Thanks!
Yes, the guitar strokes are rhythm ones. It is interesting you mention the "ambient" music. You are spot on! The ambient style adds depth to it, doesn't it?
Thanks again!
@Marion - Thanks!
@Poetikat - I expected someone to ask me that. You see, in most religions, it is the "meatless bone" that is considered an omen. But, there are a few, less-known ones in which, the "boneless meat" is considered bad. Precisely, it is a piece of meat just left abandoned. I hope this helps!
@Diya - Thank you!!!
@Utah Savage - I agree with your opinion on your poetic style. I read your latest and I could feel you.
Umm, well, yes, this is refined yet conveying a disturbing thought. I think, I was trying a different take at the time.
It is being brutal and harsh but bearing in mind the social norms on decency. Am I making sense?
Thanks for reading!
@Viji - Give it time and it will sink in. Bear in mind the album too. Thanks for reading!
I read this earlier today, before all the comments- but being at work, couldn't leave my thoughts. This is a wonderful piece Ajey, it inspired me to give it some thought and write something of my own. Here in a bit I'll send you an email of it.
Take care of yourself.
This is a lovely piece...I love the mood and tone. Thanks for the invite. Glad you are writing : )
@The Write Girl - Thanks, you!
That first verse just pulls me in.
I am loving the 'blow away the candle, see the grinning face'
Thanks for the invite Ajey.Promise to pop in now and again.
@findingmywingsinlife - Thanks! Yes, I am re-reading your lines! They are fantastic! I shall e-mail you soon!
@SarahA - Hiya! I am back now! Yes, I shall do more than just popping in now and again.
Thanks! I am glad you like this!
Hi A.J. great to read you again.
This song is mysterious and profound. It seems the singer is
trying to know the unknowable,
searching for answers that he
may never find until he is in
the middle of the experience.
Thank you for inviting me. I like
the guitar-playing-head-thrown-back-red-joyous guy.
@Cynthia - Thanks, you! I am glad you opted to follow me. It means a lot to me.
About the avatar - well, yea, that was the old one. Since, this is a second spell, I chose to use this avatar.
Thanks again!
The moon hid as I crossed my destiny...
Love this line... excellent piece of work!
@Robin - Thank you! I am glad you love this!
I'll get back to you on the response, I have to meditate on it a bit... I must say though... the new Avatar is completely creepy... I too like the guitarist. ;D
thank you for the invite, much appreciated ;) love the mystery and imagery in this, the darkness and hope in it, am pleased you're still writing, Katie
@Strawberry Girl - Okay! Thanks for reading!
@Rainbow Dreams - No worries! Thanks!!!
Lovely song mate!
The lines have evolved into a much more deeper meaning, alas, I still couldn't grasp the complexities devoted in each.
"The moon hid as I crossed my destiny,
A dream would make this an irony"
Powerful indeed. I will be patient since I wouldn't be able to hear this song yet.
Thanks for the invite mate!
@zorlone - Thanks mate!!!
loss and desolation, your depiction is outstanding!
@Shadow - Thanks a lot!
got it finally. thanks for the privillege.. its a beautiful poem as always. strong and passionate.
@island of peace - Thanks!
dear ajey,
this is trisha.. :)
warmest wishes,
first of all I love the image. so much in this piece really stands out, the moon hid, the branches embraced, untied hair,
I felt forsaken, lonely.. was i wrong
either way. LOVED IT
welcome back
@Inky - Thanks!!!
Hi Ajey,
The mistery takes over the reality and takes the mind to a different dimension. Great writing again!! Love this one!!
Thanks for the invite!!
@Alexandra - Thank you!
Hmm, finally, this is the last one from the album, isn't it? Well done! You have managed to maintain the flow of all the songs quite well in this album. It is hard, and I am glad you did it quite well. Keep it up!
'Emptiness fills the need of contentment'
This line spoke out the most to me!!
Can't really make out most of it, but I liked the second verse alot!
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