Monday, August 24, 2009


(Strings INTRO)

Disappear, Appear
Disappear, Reappear

Disappear from here
Appear to disappear
Disappear to reappear

(Strings stop)
(Drums INTRO)
(Guitar solo)
Disappear from here
Appear to disappear
Disappear to reappear

Wasn’t ever here
Away from here

(Bass Bridge)
Disappear, Appear
Disappear, Reappear
Disappear from here
Appear to disappear
Disappear to reappear

(Guitar begins)
Wasn’t ever here
Wonder what was here


(Bass + Keyboard solo)
Teasing your mind

Going away
Fading away

Going away
Fading away

Wonder where
Who was here?

Wonder where
Who was here?

Disappear from here
Appear there
Reappear here
From here to there
From there to where
Gone to somewhere
Who was where?

(Instrumental Fade out – EXTRO)

Copyright © Ajey Padival 2009 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675;

Image by David Dobbs

38 responses:

Strawberry Girl said...

Psycedelic! Made me think of The Beatles "Number 9" ;D

(I wonder... where you ever there? A figment of the imagination... a hallucination... a faded memory... or a suggestion?)


island of peace said...

loved the feeling of the song.

findingmywingsinlife said...

Keep you chin up and keep your smile. There will be many times you will wish to shed tears, and even though normally I'd be there in a heartbeat for a friend- I hope my words can do what I cannot. I truly regret not having a passport right about now.

Is there an address that we each can send cards and get well wishes too?

Opaque said...

@Strawberry Girl - AH! I am glad you used the word - psychedelic. I was aiming at that feel.

Thanks for reading!

Opaque said...

@island of peace - Thanks!

Opaque said...

@findingmywingsinlife - Thanks!!! Just keep me in your thoughts! That will mean a lot to me!

mysterious gal said...

wow i could actually rhyme with the lyrics...wd be perfect to listen to!

A perfect song for those feeling of confusion and where u want to exist and yet not wanting to.....i am sure you felt better after penning it down....sometimes writing does the trick!

Take care

Opaque said...

@mysterious gal - Thanks!

Jenny said...

Hi there,

This was very suggestive and, yes, psychedelic. I listen to a lot of Psychedelia from the 60s and 70s and this felt related to some of it. The words feel as whispers and I can imagine waves rolling in. A floating feel. I liked it a lot! The atmosphere, in particular.

Opaque said...

@Jenny - Thanks! I am glad you like this one!

Viji said...

i can feel the feel... read the lyrics aloud! liked it. it's pretty new feel to me. one moment there and next moment gone to reappear again. liked it!

Opaque said...

@Viji - Thanks!

Opaque said...

@Poetikat - Yes! Thanks a lot!

The Write Girl said...

Wonderful rhyme and rhythm with a nice certainly have range : )

Opaque said...

@The Write Girl - Thanks!!!

robin said...

Lovely and whimsical...

Rainbow dreams said...

who knows? not me :)
I wonder...about it all

now this could be a very late night conversation that leads to precisely... where?


Opaque said...

@Robin - Thanks!

Opaque said...

@Rainbow Dreams - Thanks for reading!

Josephine said...

Mind teaser indeed!! Love the surreal mood in this one! Excellent!!

Josephine said...

Hi Ajey, Thanks a lot for the invite!
For some reason, I'm not getting your blog updates... not sure why. I'll be checking in periodically.

aditya said...

Heyy ajey . . . I havent had the time to drop in and spend some time on your blog . . . No web connection . .

Coming back to the post . . . This is something new, i encounter. But i am liking it now. The psychedelic ambience is nice. I am amazed at your versatality !!

Opaque said...

@Alexandra - Thank you!

Opaque said...

@Alexandra - Umm, I reckon it is because I've turned this accessible to invitees only. Well, check every Monday!

Opaque said...

@Aditya - Thanks mate!

Judith Ellis said...

Beautiful, Ajey! These lines do not need music. They remind me of the poetry of Gertude Stein, her rhythms and insistence on repetition to form meaning. There is also mystery here. Bravo, my young talented thoughtful friend. Love to you...

Opaque said...

@Judith - Thank you so much!

Cynthia said...

Hi there A.J. how are you? This
poem reminds of an on and off lover
or perhaps an on and off life.

Opaque said...

@Cynthia - Thanks! Yes, that is one of the feels I am trying to convey.

Diya said...

It ended too soon :(

Opaque said...

@Diya - Thanks for reading.

Unknown said...

Psychedelic! Yes, it is! I like the repetition! But, as Diya pointed out, it ended quite quickly. Is it another of your weird implications OR are you intending to add elongated musical sections to it? This is good, man! Good luck! It takes me into a trance!

zorlone said...


This reminds me of Moby... A song that can be reflected upon or just to chill.


island of peace said...

dear ajey,
you seem busy, your posts are getting scarcer..
best of luck.

Opaque said...

@J - Well, yes, I intend to accompany this with long musical sections. Thanks!

Opaque said...

@zorlone - Thanks for reading!

Opaque said...

@island of peace - Thanks!

Saadi said...

Interesting imagery!! Interesting song!!

I liked how the the many of the lines rhymed, rhyming can be very easily over-done and makes everything seems stupid! But not here, there seemed to be a depth behind it!

Though I gotta say, I kept thinking about malignant brain tumors! :p