The following bloggers impressed me with their talent and passion in their posts. Mind you, some of them are merely in their early teens. And, that is precisely what this award is for; exposing such talented individuals whose blogs are bound to astonish anybody. Check out the following blogs:
1) Black rose in a field of pink's The Randomness of Poetry
2) The Write Girl's Write In Motion
3) Mysterious Gal's My Poetry
4) Noelle's A Portrait of the Human Heart
5) Viji Suresh's Poetry my passion
6) Sakhi's Mints of love
7) Preetilata's White Window
8) Loren Fay's & as of now..
9) Ani Suresh's Fantasy
10) Manoj Prasad D M's Ramblings
11) Dreamer's Roses and Thorns
12) Juhi Pandya's A girl like me

A special mention to blogs that I am currently addicted to:
1) Shadow's 1 door away from heaven
2) Rikkij's One Big Love
3) SarahA O'Leary's 'Dancing with the waves of the Sea'
Congratulations all of you!!! You've surprised me and made me addicted to your spots!!!
35 responses:
Thank you sooo much for the award and I agree with you on those other sites you're addiction too, Shadow, Sarah and Rick..they're awesome. :)
@Noelle - No worries!!! Congrats again!!! Showcase the award and enjoy blogging!!! I shall be a regular visitor, for sure.
thank you lots for the award, it means a lot.
@black rose in a field of pink - No worries!!!
Wow, thanks so much Brosreview!!
What an honor. Glad you enjoy my work. I enjoy reading your songs here also : )
@The Write Girl - No worries!!! You deserve it!!!
AJ-Thanks, bro. You know I can only accept an honorary award and so I do, as you continue to be my good friend. I am unworthy of recognition but I accept your kind spirit of giving and will post it in my heart. ~Rick
@Rikkij - Oh, thanks mate!!! I appreciate that!!!
Thank you very much... I am getting awarded along with my mom and manoj.. i am very happy :) I will take it to my blog and treasure it.
Thank you again for the award.
@Fantasy - Ah, the first teen collects his award. You deserve it, man!!! Congrats!!!
Thank you Ajey... will treasure it.
@Viji - Congrats once again!!!
thnx.a lot!!
Great going, Brosreview.
I'll be sure to check out these blogs.
Thanking you. You crazy/mad man.
Really cool Award!! congrats to the winners :) will check their blogs as soon as i can grab some free time !
@•bLue-eyed sOuL• - Not a problem!!!
@Saadi - Thank you.
@SarahA - Haha, sure. No worries!!!
@PrettyMe!! - Yea, you do that whenever you find yourself free.
Thanks for the award ...its my very first award...I will always treasure it...thanks a lot!!
@dreamer - You deserve it!!! Congrats again!!!
mmmmwah! thank you!! this is so cool. thank you. i feel honoured to be consider addictive. i'll post it the minute i get back! and you my dear are awesome too, just look at the lyrics you've just posted... wow
@Shadow - Thank you!!!
And, yes, I am addicted to your fantabulous blog!!!
I only know of two you have listed but they are mighty fine. Will take your word on others and pay them some time.
1st of all i apologize for visiting so late. i wasn't online these 2 days.
thank u so very much. i am touched and i do feel honored. m glad that u find my blog of so much caliber to measure up.
though i am just new to ur blog but i surely do enjoy ur songs a lot.
again a heartfelt thanks for following my blog.
take care :)
@Woman in a Window - Yes, please do so. They shall surprise you, for sure.
@Preetilata - No worries!!! And, congrats once again.
Great gesture Bros!!
I’ll check your recommendations.
@Alexandra Garland - Yes, do check them out. You will be amazed!!!
how do you manage to read & adore this many blogs all in one go? i find that to be fasinating & award worthy in itself haha. anyways, thanks for recognizing me & enjoying my work. i always smile when i read your encouraging & inquizative comments. i appreciate your time that you spend reading my work. it means a lot to me... so many say, more than words ;)
thanks again!!
@Loren Fay - I just manage my time better I guess. Hehe.
The way I see it is this - while others can find time to visit my spot to reply to my posts, I should do the same too to keep it fair, shouldn't I?
Cheers!!! I am glad to know my comments bring a smile to you.
Keep writing!!!
congrats to my dear frn nainika aka dreamer...!! very happy for her!
thanks for the award...sorry for the delay in putting it up...life has been too hectic the past few days..
@blacksnow - No worries!!!
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