(Instrumental solo – 10 seconds INTRO)
The cold wastelands grow grey grass
Triangular teardrops sink into the ground
The shepherd steals the secret
The haunting chant turns
The grey skin black
The fog approaches
The days turn dark
While the nights remain the same
Under the funeral moon
Man is a wolf to a man
Drag the holy angels upon the ground
Killing thousands for one
Turns the moon light red
And, the stars disperse to hell
(Instrumental solo – 10 seconds EXTRO)
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2008 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Image by Gari Baldi
27 responses:
okay, AJ-this is the 4th time I've tried to comment to this. I'll be chanting the comment in my sleep! It was a wild ride that made me feel the chill and fog. made me think of long ago listening to the moody blues which is way so cool. thanks, Rick
@Rikkij - Thank you!!! And, yea, this one is quite haunting.
so dark, so powerful, so darn enticing... excellent one!
@Shadow - Thank you!!!
Ajey, this is very powerful. It takes a lot to write like this.
Dark, deep, even deeper...
Man is a wolf to a man...harsh reality.
Apt artwork and apt title...
@Make Me Disappear - Thank you!!!
Interesting! This piece provoked my mind, making me pause to meditate on each image. . . I read it over & over.
@Lilly Jones - Thank you!!! Yea, one needs to interpret each line separately on this one. Glad you did just that.
Powerful words in this song. You really capture darkness poetically in this piece.
@The Write Girl - Thank you!!! Yea, powerful and truthful words too.
These lines are gripping:
Drag the holy angels upon the ground
Killing thousands for one
Turns the moon light red
And, the stars disperse to hell
@SandyCarlson - Thank you!!!
This is probably one of my favs I have read of yours. I love the alliteration you have woven through and the whole atmosphere, conjures up eerie feelings inside one. Well done, you
@SarahA - Coming from you means a lot. Thank you!!!
wowwwwww...... it's so beautifully haunting.
btw "Man is a wolf to a man
Drag the holy angels upon the ground" .....is that got any connection with women suppression?
thnks for u visit to my page. :)
@Preetilata - Thank you!!! Yea, you could establish such a connection.
Good grief that is a depressing piece. I don't particularly like dwelling on the apocalypse.
@Meena - Thank you for reading!!!
This would go down amongst your better songs in my opinion. Beautifully written. One rarely sees a personal feel in dark songs. I'm glad you gave it that.
@Arjun - Thanks a lot!!! Yea, you are spot on when you identify that there are very few out there who personalise such dark expressions.
I still think its a great piece Bros, I realized I forgot to mention that. I mean, you got an emotional reaction from me.
@Meena - Thank you!!!
Turns the moon light red
And, the stars disperse to hell
Great words..
@sudharm baxi - Thanks!!!
Very well written Ajey!!! Most may not like the vision, but it's just a matter of time... why do you think some of us try to "feel the life in every breath?..."
@Alexandra Garland - "Most may not like the vision, but it's just a matter of time"
You know what, I advised quite a few the same thing.
Thank you!!!
fabulous lyrics.
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