Genre: Death Metal
Label: Metal Blade Records
Country of Origin: New York, USA
Band Formation: 1988
Band Members:
Vocals: George Fisher
Guitars: Rob Barrett and Pat O’Brien
Bass: Alex Webster
Drums: Paul Mazurkiewicz
Song list:
1. Priests of Sodom
2. Scalding Hail
3. To Decompose
4. A Cauldron of Hate
5. Beheading and Burning
6. Evidence in the Furnace
7. Carnivorous Swarm
8. Evisceration Plague
9. Shatter Their Bones
10. Carrion Sculpted Entity
11. Unnatural
12. Skewered from Ear to Eye
Run time: 39 minutes (approximately)
Review: Eleven albums and they still haven’t lost their focus.
Ever since this band, the deans, the pioneers of death metal started in the late 80’s, they have grown more brutal, wilder and deadlier only to become an unstoppable force. Regardless of the change in their music, they have always managed to get heavier and that’s the reason they are classified as a legend. Like it or not, I reckon this band has always been a constant in the genre. Many bands come to play the deadly genre only to fade away after 2 to 3 records. But, this band still manages to stay and shall stay forever. Whenever, I have felt/feel disappointed with, frankly many current and upcoming death metal bands, I have reverted to CC, only to feel alive again. It has been two decades and they have still managed to appeal to their fans. Frankly, that is a great achievement. Mind you, the fans of CC are quite critical and still nervous about their latest release.
3rd of February – I step into the record store quite famous for selling metal records. And, I am not shocked to see several black round neck shirts, hands with tattoos, piercings in areas one can hardly imagine and of course long-haired blokes in flocks filled in the store. After purchasing the album, I spoke to a few of them. And, I quickly realised the intensity of competition or critical reviews towards the genre.
Death metal is a genre that allows limited room to play around with lyrics. So, it is an ordeal to constantly come up with something different – something much more brutal all the time. Musically too, a death metal band needs to come up with something more hardcore than their previous release to sustain their position in the market. Any mistake, which may theoretically be just a small error is amplified by their raging fans into a catastrophic blunder. And, the reviewers and fans may go to an extent to tagging the band’s music and lyrics to being poof-ish. And, that is a very bad remark for a highly masculine genre.
CC’s main intention with their last album was to get heavier than their earlier compositions. They successfully accomplished their goal via Kill. This time, they decided to take it to a further higher level. And, I am proud to say that they managed to do so, yet again – sort of. Precisely, they have managed to come up with another brutal and devastating album. It sounds only tad more heavier than their last one. But, the production quality intensifies the minor difference. They have overcome the expectation and anticipation so strongly that they still stand tall as the best death metal band on the planet.
Webster claimed that this album is the best they have ever sounded so far. And, I must testify that the precision and power does not go unnoticed in the album. A delicacy of domination, depravity, dismemberment and vengeance can be tasted via their latest music and lyrics.
It is all thanks to the clear production values of the album that highlight the crisp guitar riffs managing to deliver a sound that are both catchy and bold. The entire instrumentation of the album complemented by the vocals creates an aura of merciless efficiency and effect that is long lasting. I am quite tempted to say that this could be Mazurkiewicz’s best performance to date. The highlights of the album (mentioned below) only reinforce their legendary status by catapulting themselves to be more hardcore than earlier or atleast equivalent.
It is the “stick to the roots” strategy used by the band, contributed by talented musicians, quality song writing and gory song titles that keep their fans intact. And, the finished product is so raw and powerful that it inevitably makes you headbang. To add to a variation, there are periodic slowdowns in tempo only to show off the talent of band's musicians. I am glad to say that nowadays, despite the pretentious upcoming bands making it big, the originals still lead the way. And, CC’s latest release just proves my point.
If you want to start this New Year in a brutal fashion, then catch the plague as soon as possible. And, I guarantee that you will find the wicked symptoms of the plague in you. Do yourself a favour though – once this album is got, play it LOUD!!!
Highlights of the album: Priests of Sodom, A Cauldron of Hate, Carnivorous Swarm, Evisceration Plague, Shatter Their Bones, Carrion Sculpted Entity, Skewered from Ear to Eye
Links: http://www.cannibalcorpse.net/
Ratings: 8/10
Originality: 8
Instrumentation: 8
Lyrics: 8
Written for Headbangers India
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2009 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
6 responses:
Well, I always have been into Death Metal, and cannibal corpse remains one of my favourite. The good thing about them is with evry single album , they have grown more brutal. It's real hard to satisfy an absolute metalhead, but CC somehow manages to do that with each and every single album. Right from "Eaten back to Life" to "Kill", they have been quite consistent. Sadly, haven't been able to put my hands on the latest release, so can't comment on it. But i am absolutely sure, they aren't going to disappoint me and other fans this time too. This band has alwys been a pioneer in their genre, and alwys will be.
As a band, I wud rate them 10/10
I like my Heavy Metal and some Death Metal but it doesn't matter what you liasten to in the end if your favorite band isn't loyal to the music it will fail there.
If you can't be your music the music doesn't live and that's why many groups disappear as one hit wonders because they only had a moment of loyalty to their music.
Band that stay loyal to their music will always have their fans, new and old.
Very good review Ajey. It shows how much you are into music, songs..I enjoyed it though I do not listen any more to heavy metals. I used to listen to some of them. Metallica still my favorite.
@Make Me Disappear - Thanks for reading. Yea, their track record has been consistent to date. And, I reckon they shall stay the same.
Undoubtedly, "a pioneer in the genre".
As a band, I too would give them full-marks.
@Walker - Thanks for reading. Very true!!! The loyalty of a band towards the genre makes a lot of difference. Very well put Walker!!!
True, if a band continnues to stay true to themselves and the genre, there is no turning back; neither for the band, nor the fans.
@Khaled KEM- Thanks for reading. Frankly, I am shocked to learn that you are interested in such hardcore genres.
Wow, Metallica is my all-time favourite Khaled. Keep it heavy!!! \m/
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