(Drum solo - Intro)
(Harmonica solo)
You’ve been through steep mountains
Stepped into dark caves
You’ve forgotten what home’s like
And, cry tears in the rain
You stayed to keep his promises
You give more than you could take
And you never shook
To be the sons-of-the-soil
These paths of destruction
Are means of construction
Of peace and harmony
Seems like an endless quest
With all this pain and suffering
You stayed speechless
And stood forever
To be the sons-of-the-soil
Somebody’s father, somebody’s brother,
somebody’s husband, somebody’s son – (spoken)
You are all feathers of a wing
And, you stay together
No matter what happens
You stay until you wither
(Guitar solo)
You’ve been through deafening silence
With your silent screams
The night becomes so bright
To the angel’s delight
The petals bid a cold goodbye
To the stone in the wall
Still, you stayed forward
My sons-of-the-soil
These scars on your palms
Say a different story
With peace in your arms
You’re on a path to glory
(Clarinet solo)
You’ve always been remembered
Whenever She has shivered
Why are you loved
Only when you are gone
You say, you’ll sacrifice yourself
For your brothers and sisters
Never has a Mother been more proud
Of her sons
The brave and lonely ones – (spoken)
My forgotten heroes
Somebody’s father, somebody’s brother,
somebody’s husband, somebody’s son – (spoken)
(Guitar solo)
(Drum solo – Outro)
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2002 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Photo by armyproudsister.
36 responses:
You are a wonderful lyricist, Brosreview, quite poetic too. Loved the accompanying photo. It would be great to actually hear the music. Do you compose the music too?
@Judith - Thanks a lot. That means a lot to me. No, sadly, I do not. But, I am seeking musicians to use my lyrics.
Ajey, Undoubtedly one of your best. I have no words to describe what I felt like after reading this. I don't know why you chose to pen this, but there's one thing I am sure of, you wrote it from your heart, put your soul into it, felt every single word of it.
My fav lines:
"You’ve been through deafening silence
With your silent screams
The night becomes so bright
To the angel’s delight
The petals bid a cold goodbye
To the stone in the wall
Still, you stayed forward
My sons-of-the-soil
These scars on your palms
Say a different story
With peace in your arms
You’re on a path to glory
My forgotten heroes
Somebody’s father, somebody’s brother,
somebody’s husband, somebody’s son"
@Make Me Disappear - Thank you. I am glad you felt it to like it.
I agree with "Make me disappear"..This is definitely one of your best songs..Very touching and emotions just go through each line.
Those lyrics speak so much... thankyou for that, make me disappear said it all perhaps, Katie
@Khaled KEM - Thanks a lot.
@Rainbow dreams - It is my tribute to all the soldiers in the world who risk their lives for us just post an order from one man whose intentions are unknown.
And, the emotions; well, a true loss gushed that out of me. RIP *******.
Thanks. I am glad you liked it.
Hey Ajey,
Thanks for your comment on the island. I meant life after death or waiting for death, which is close to Janat.
Would you please visit my blog. I have an award for you.
wonderful buddy ...
@Vinay - Thanks a lot.
Very nice tribute to those who only hear the sounds of destruction and lyrics drowning with pain.
Wonderful.keep it up.
Nice tribute. beautiful writing. These things I think on. ~Rick
@Rikkij - I lost someone close to me to a war. Hence, the emotions. Yea, I too think of the same things.
@Walker - Very well put. Thank you for appreciating it.
@Shiva - Thank you
@Venu - Thanks a lot
Whoooaaaaa!!!! This one's awesome!!! I really like this one......seems to be derived on a patriotic theme!!
Really really nice!! Very very nice!!
I'm surprised I missed out such a good one!!
@Saadi - That's the reason I asked you to visit my blog. I did not release this in the community.
Thank you. I am glad you liked it.
Have you read "All Quiet on the Western Front"? It's a WWI book - if they did a remake of the movie, this song should be part of the score...the way it's written made me think of the book and its been about a decade since I read it.
@Meena - No, I haven't read the book. That is a complement. Thank you.
lol, yes it is a compliment. The book is rather touching - esp. the very end. I have read a lot of stuff and a lot of war stuff (went through a weird phase) - that one still sticks to my mind.
@Meena - Well, then I must have a read. Thank you.
Hats off to you!! This is such a fantastic piece of lyrics that i can't actually find good enough words to describe it.
Such beautiful play with words and fantastically held emotions;
You sincerely are another of the kind
of whom mothers should feel pride
@sudharm baxi - Thanks a lot!!
"You sincerely are another of the kind
of whom mothers should feel pride"
Oh, that means a lot to me Sudharm. Thank you!!!
Do you know how long it took for me to find this? *sigh* I am glad I did though Ajey. Thank you for directing me to such. Beautiful, you. Just beautiful emotion flowing through your words.
@SarahA - Thank you!!! Worth the search, eh?
It is a perfect tribute to a soldier.
I felt sad as I neared the end of the song. Being from an army background I could just understand what always goes on within a soldier or within his closest of ones on his departure. It is one of the most glorious partings that any person can have.
"With peace in your arms"
These words struck me. They the bearers of peace take up this burden quietening all desires within themselves, just to provide a moment of peace, with unquietness and yearnings in their souls "when ever she shivers."
Just don't know, but just remembered that god forbid, I may also have to face some similar situation someday. It is awesome and heart-rendering. Your use of the perfect words in the perfect place is perfect.
Only you can put such emotions into words.
@Diya - That is huge. Thanks a lot!!!
It's great. I love it. Really powerful. I love when you write "somebody's father, somebody's brother, somebody's husband, somebody's son". It is so true and really poignant.
Great writing.
@Rebekah - Thanks, you!!!
@thoughts - Thanks!
I am here because you suggested me a couple of lyrics to read at my piece 'Crumbling Stones' and thanks a lot for directing me here.
I always like to quote a few lines from your lyrics in my comments to give it some meaning. Here, I cannot do it because each and every line is packed with emotions. I see the feeling ever so clearly. It is beautiful. The tale is sad and grim, yet we see the positive. These brave soldiers are the ones that let us sleep in peace and they are happy to do it. I salute these brave men and women.
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