Friday, April 18, 2008


Wherever I see, I see solitude
Despite realizing I’m not alone, I feel alone
I know the streets are not, they cannot be empty
It’s you who’ve made me feel the emptiness
This feeling is new to me
The more I loved you
I should have realized the depth I reached
I sense my surroundings, they are quiet
My heart is now a recluse and I generalize it

I ‘m walled by lonesomeness
My heart feels heavy as I breathe, do I seek forgiveness?
This heart is filled with muteness

It was when you were left
Yes, when you were left
My life felt a new feeling
Aloneness, yes, aloneness
This aloneness, this uneasiness
This haunting illness is taunting me for fullness
I carry this with me everywhere

I don’t know
But, despite all this, my heart seeks another chance
I cannot accept the turn away
I warn my heart
I know the ending
Now, that I know I’m headed that way
I better not complicate this
How could I choose you? How could you ask me to do so?
Choose someone whom I loved for four years, to the one who loved me longer

Still, I ‘m walled by lonesomeness
My heart feels heavy as I breathe, I don’t seek forgiveness
This heart prefers her unconditional love to your conditional feel

It was when you left
Yes, when you left
My life felt a new feeling
Aloneness, yes, aloneness
This aloneness, this uneasiness
This haunting illness is taunting me for fullness
I will carry this with me everywhere

Copyright © Ajey Padival 2007 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675;

10 responses:

Khaled KEM said...

Very nice Ajey. I can feel the loneliness in your words. What I like about it is the true feelings you can sense from the sentences.

Saadi said...

Is this the one where a choice had to be made between the mother and the lover?!
I'm thinking it's that one...seems familiar too!! N yea, it's good..i loved the three line chorus if that's what u may call it and the constant rhyming me "-ness"
Very good!!

Opaque said...

@Drive-thru - Thanks a lot sadeeq'

Opaque said...

@Saadi - Yes, you are right!!! Thanks!!!

PS: I expected you to visit long time back. I am glad you're finally here. I expect a comment for all my songs, okay. Hehe.

Viji said...

ah... could feel the desperation, loneliness no no aloneness :) being alive but acting like a zombie this heavy hearted remarks.. i can feel it. feeling lonely when everyone around you are alive:) can't be expressed better Ajey.. another love unconditional mom's love as I gathered...

"This heart prefers her unconditional love to your conditional feel"

touched deeply.. i liked the way you end it..

"This aloneness, this uneasiness
This haunting illness is taunting me for fullness I will carry this with me everywhere"

a sheer pain causing some amount of satisfaction.. a pain that reminds its better to have experienced love and not successful, than never experiencing it at all..

just started reading your blog and one minus in me is my comments always beat the post... u got to bear with me...

Opaque said...

@Viji - Thank you for tracking back now. Nah, don't bother, feel free to express yourself. Length of the comment does not matter at all.

Chhaya said...

i feel a strong sense of conflict and a heavy burden of guilt in this one..

arent you too young to be able to write with so much depth?? lol.. just kidding :)

Opaque said...

@Chhaya - Many have written that before to me. Thanks for liking it!

Anonymous said...

its good. i could associate myself again with a few lines. depth is there.

this is a year old song, perhaps thats why i feel that this wasn't as impressive as ur latest ones...

Opaque said...

@Leo - This is a 2 year old song. Check out the Copyright footer for the date of completion of each song. Thank you!