(Guitar INTRO)
An immortal passion
Flames my desire
The blindness from the starlight
The vengeance from the envy
The link is disconnected
The escape is derailed
Without the innocence
The cross is just a grave
I hope I shall free myself now
This obsession possesses me now
To strangers I endlessly bow
I’m not sure of the choice I’ve made
Wash away my fins, please
Rinse away these sins
There are things that I’ve said
Not the things that I’ve meant
Dry away my outer shell
Renew my inner self
Save my dimming conscience
From slipping far away
Thunder roars above me
Soft chords cheer for me below
Forgive me for not being myself
Burn the crimson carpet of shame
Leaving my ground
Away from my sight
I drop down along
These charts of my fight
Give me your hands
Show me your smile
I don’t mind descendence
So I
Kill my passion’s face
(Guitar EXTRO)
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2007 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Image by lauracarter
38 responses:
Hmmm, I'm not sure why but this one leaves me feeling like I should be crying, like there is an unspoken regret hidden in the words. Almost a condescending of the self. At least it seems so to me. Well done.
i may be wrong but i sense an intense anger behind the words. the anger is directed towards the composer and yearns to undo certain things.
i think it was one of your most hard hitting ones.. really liked it
sorry I have not been around of much, family things to take care of, my brain is not working and I need to focus on my family and friends.
this piece is strong, clear, sad, trying to escape , I know lives go from higher to lower places..
Shame, regret and forgiveness...
I really like the way you tied it all together.
@findingmywingsinlife - There is an "unspoken regret" here. Thanks!
@Chhaya - Thanks
@Inky - I completely understand! Thanks for your time and thanks for appreciating this piece.
@Robin - Thanks
Ajey, my thoughtful young talented friend
This is powerfully written with a vulnerablility that's so touching. Thank you for sharing.
Regarding regrets, they are completely unproductive, save for producing excellent prose, eh? :-) Forever forward...
I remain your friend.
With peace, love, joy and long life--the very best...
@Judith Ellis - Thanks a lot!
Hi Ajey,
This feels very sincere and the speaker seems to say "I got nothing to hide". The anger spurs the energy. Anger can be a good thing, when used in this creative way.
Great song!
This is pretty strong Ajey, but then most of your stuff is.Which is a good thing, I am thinking.It hits the reader hard.
BTW what is 'effing' please? Educate me.
Although a choice has been made, "to strangers I endlessly bow" tells me that the opinion of others makes this person reconsider what they have thought of to do. "Unspoken regret" perhaps that "without the innocence, the cross is just a grave." You have given us a lot to think about with this piece Ajey...
Your words convey the raw emotions and reflection of the soul. Wonderfully written AJ.
@Jenny - Thanks!
@SarahA - Thanks! "Effing" is a simple intensifier.
@SG - Thank you!!! Yes, I know I have given you all a lot to think about.
@The Write Girl - Thanks!
very deep emotions churning in. very nicely penned ajey.
n here all d stanzas were my fav. :)
@Preetilata - Thanks!
"Without the innocence, the cross is just a grave"
A biblically strong line! Most people in the spotlight do think of all this at least once in their lifetime.
Nicely put! Get used to this feel, as you are reaching heights mate!
strong emotions, that leave me feeling... hopeful.
That was gorgeous!
I have given you an award. I hope you don't mind. It comes with the usual suggested rules, but feel free to ignore the whole thing if it isn't appealing to you. At any rate, come see me at Utah Savage. There will be linkage.
It was a pleasure to read! Rock is anger, energy and power. You are very accomplished in writing lyrics
I don't know what happened here. It seems that I am overwhelmed by an obsessed possession.
Well done bro!
@J - Thanks mate!
@Shadow - Thanks for reading!
@Utah - Thank you. Yes, I shall visit your spot shortly.
@Ande - Thanks!
@zorlone - Thanks!
There i find a kind of regret in being obsessed....can't help urself free from it and yet wanting to free and a regret of being trapped
This was passionate.....amazing work!
Keep it up!
I find a lot of internal struggle in this piece.
"I kill my passion's face" disturbes me... passion is what makes life worth living... I don't think we should give it up... well struggle again...
Great write!!
@Alexandra Garland - Thanks! And, I agree with your attitude!
its simply fabulous. one of the most beautiful of your songs.
"Without the innocence
The cross is just a grave"
wonderful lines Ajey...
I read every comment listed here.
Very strong piece. regret, anger and energy.. I second every comment made. Wish I had been one among the first few to comment :)
@island of peace - Thanks!!
@Viji - Thanks!
Read quite a few right now, but I like this one the most!! It's very relevant to lots of things gng arnd with ppl!!!
To me, this is one of your best!!
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