Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's okay

(Drums BEGIN)
(Piano BEGINS)

You need to wake up
Don’t stay here, go to a better place
You must try it yourself
And see

Broken dreams can be fixed again
Just wait for another day
Another night

(Guitar BEGINS)

When everything is empty now
I say, okay
When everything is blurry now
I say, okay

It will be okay

(Keyboard + Guitar DUAL)

While sadness takes over you
You see the world the way it bothers you
See not the tears, see not the pain
See them all, seek the reason
And, be there


(Choir – AH)
You’re walking through the dark
It takes a twig to help you survive
Candlelight can warm you from across the room

(Backing VOCALS – AH)

When everything is empty now
I say, it’s okay
When everything is blurry now
I say, it’ll be okay


Photo by Ajey Padival 

Copyright © Ajey Padival 2001 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)

11 responses:

CiCi said...

Broken dreams can be replaced with stronger dreams. The little bit of time between the brokenness and the new life is as it should be.

LL Cool Joe said...

Sometimes that's all we need to hear someone say "It'll be okay"

Anonymous said...

do you also compose music for these ??

The Write Girl said...

This is so inspiring AJ. I really enjoyed this.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Very soothing composition.

Shadow said...

oh yes. just give yourself another day, another chance, another way... it will be okay!

m. said...

everything, will be okay.
and i think that is the beauty of it.

this is really excellent.

Eva said...

It is the hardest times in life that test our ability to make it through. We just have to know that it will be okay. This was wonderful.

Sorcerer said...

really comforting lines!!
Reminds me of one of my favorite songs from Beatles.."Let it be"

Strawberry Girl said...

I like this piece, short and easily relatable.

SarahA said...

Yes and if only we did all believe. Very good; you.