(Pipa INTRO)
(Pipa + Guitar)
(Pipa + Guitar + Piano)
(Drums + Bass begin)
(Pipa + Guitar + Piano Trio)
(Pipa stops)
All the wrongs that I’ve done
Are all now forgiven
By the prayers of that one
It’s for her, that I shall
Do the things that I have done
For a smile from that one
She, is the one
The one I pray for
The one I care for
She, is the one
I’ll always serve
The one, I don’t deserve
All the anger inside me
All the vengeance within me
Fade away when I’m with that one
All the evil deeds
I’ve said and I’ve done
Are not mine anymore
She, is the one
The one who truly cares
The one I will obey
She, is the one
I have always spared
For, the one, I haven’t cared
(Guitar Bridge)
(Piano solo)
(Drums stop)
(BACKGROUND – Pipa + Guitar + Bass + Piano)
My ignorance fails to realize
Her innocence fails to recognize
It’s her trust I defy, but my presence satisfies
To her, I need not justify, but my lie clarifies
(Pipa stops)
“My fluttering soul recognizes the face”
(Drums begin)
She, is the one
The one I shall pray for
The one I shall care for
She, is the one, I shall always serve
She’s the one, I don’t deserve
She, is the one
The one who truly cares
The one I will obey
She, is the one, I have always spared
For, the one, I haven’t cared
(Guitar Bridge)
(Piano Solo)
(Choir – AH)
The face of the Cyprian who feeds my sorrow
(Guitar Bridge)
(Piano Solo)
(Choir – AH)
(Drums stop)
(Pipa EXTRO)
Copyright © Ajey Padival 2008 (Brisbane, Australia; +61-434360675; ajeypadival@msn.com)
Image by Rabidpescatore
74 responses:
Women inspire so much writing, poems and songs! Do they know how powerful they are, I think so. Thanks for sharing- LL
Hmmm. more than just a love song I think. But even as just a love song it is a truely remarkable piece, especially with the incorporation of the Pipa a beautiful instrument.
I love the lyrics so much. Very appropriate for the present situation I am indirectly involved in. I hope I will have your permission to copy and give it to that person.
The very first stanza alone is already giving a strong impact to this piece.
Great composition!
@LORENZO - Thanks for reading!
@Strawberry Girl - Thanks!
@Bonnie - Thanks! I do not mind unless and until my name is mentioned.
Inspired piece and provocative of a bit of the mystical spiritual?
I likd this one a lot bros
More to tell?
Hi Ajey,
She is very special. I love this poem, maybe because I'm a woman... but more so because you presented different level of the relationship. It's more spiritual than other kind and those usually last forever. Lucky are those who experience it.
My favorite:
"My ignorance fails to realize,
Her innocence fails to recognize"
Great writing!!
Beautiful....back to da extremely passionate verses, are we? Ders pure raw emotional power dat oozes outta da lines! I like it dat way!
Luvd dis one! :)
@Linda - A lot more to tell Linda. Thanks for reading!
@Alexandra - Thanks!
@Maverick - Thank you!!!
This is so evocative. (I have what once was a love song to my ears posted, too.) This is a monster talent you have.
Usually when I go to a site expecting words and the writer adds someone else's song and it's all wrong and too loud, I find myself frantic to turn it off.
Not this. I could listen to this...endlessly.
@Utah Savage - Thank you!!!
I am forwarding this post to my hubby, he will appreciate this song. Also, I would like your permission to use the black/white photo on this post on my blog sometime.
@TechnoBabe - Thanks for reading. You may use the photograph provided you mention the artist's name where ever used. You can find it below the copyright footer of this post.
Beautifully written, Ajey. The composition of the verses and bridges is flawless! I especially like how the ending, "The face of the Cyprian who needs my sorrow", adds mystery. Well-written!
Something I have been wondering about: do you prefer to be called Ajey or A-J? :)
wow this was truly beautiful in a pure sense. A exemplar of divine love was what was seen in it! Perfect love song lyrics...loved it :)
@Jenny - It is interesting that you mention the word "mystery" because this song isn't as straight forward as it seems. Moreover, it falls into my concept Album THE (can be accessed via labels).
I prefer to be called what my parents named me - Ajey.
Thanks you!!!
@mysterious gal - Thanks!
wow!!the lyrics were beautiful..depicting some pure form of love..
@Swati - Thanks!
Hey Ajey..
i like this one.. really..
Very 'Edward Rochester' feeling in this composition.. :)
"A lot more to tell"? then you should...
"The one I will obey", "I’ll always serve" those are very strong lines.. Men rarely use words like "Obey" or "serve" until they feel fiercely passionate about a person... If this song is autobiographical, then I envy your love..if not I wish you meet this girl of your song soon.
Ajey, I love this one.(sorry for calling you AJ at times)
PRICELESS! Just Perfect...
@Chhaya - Thanks!
@Viji - Thanks!
AJ-oh the things a he will do for she. Preach it brother! Nice tempo. One line draws you into the next. ~rick
@Rikkij - Thanks mate!!!
Ajey – The lyrics gives me a feeling of compressed energy, anger and hidden meanings. Great work!! :) I read and re read it; I like this stuff!
I guess when you finally found the right person, there isn't anything you'll do for her.
A heartfelt and honest poem written for a loved one.
I love the passion and depth of emotion in this piece. Excellent!
@Ande - Thanks mate!!!
@Zorlone - Thanks for reading!
@Robin - Thanks!!!
beautiful songs u get...!!
u compose em..??
That was really really really really Wunnerful! Is this she necessarily a "Lover", or can it be "mother" too? I liked it just on the first read.
Sorry for not being able to go through the blog for quite a few days. But I did go through, and "cry" simply stunned me! Your talent speaks more and more as I delve deeper into your works!
And well, a few phrases used here gives a new dimension to the composition altogether! :)
@Diya - Thanks!
@Diya - Yes, it does. Thanks for reading.
@blue eyed soul - Thank you! No, I do not. I simply write them.
Ah, so very nice. The honesty of self is so very prevelant and the beauty of the other so very real. Together, simply lovely.
@Judith - Thanks!
its really heartwarming, but honesty should always be the first policy, lies have a strange way of jumping up like jack in the box.
warmest wishes.
@thoughts - Thanks for reading!
"My ignorance fails to realize,
Her innocence fails to recognize"
Wow Ajey loved this one so so much. Love the tempo.. I hope you continue more like this.. I want more,. I feel there is more to tell??
GrEaT !! :}
awww....I like it, but it feels very sad to me. i guess its the unrequited feel to it which makes it so.
i guess wanting someone makes us all poets.
@inky - Thanks a lot!
@Meena - Thanks for reading!
Hi AJ,
This song was well crafted and flows like poetry...perhaps there was someone special who inspired you : )
@The Write Girl - Thanks for reading!!!
Haunting, a little different than
your other songs. A foreboding
quality and the singer appears to
be in a hypnotic state or mesmerized, yet still aware.
Interesting, how this pulls one
in to the almost hidden dilemma
of the singer/narrator.
Nice wordplays.I luv this!!!Do chk d one out on my blog!Hope u hvn't forgotten me!
@Cynthia - Thanks for reading!
@Deepteshpoetry - Thanks!
this poem touches home in ways I'd all but forgotten. Had you said "he" instead of "she" I'd have thought you plucked the song from my very thoughts in memories tucked away for safe keeping.
I can see why many on here have gently pried for you to share more, though I doubt you will. If you're anything like me and this song really truly does have something of your thoughts in them- you'll keep your secrets close to home.
Lovely writing as always
Thanks BR! I always give credit what is due to Ceasar. I would dearly mention your name as the great Creator of this piece.
You're so brilliant!
I wonder if you could put music to my poem: Golden Pond?
Say, a collaboration between us?
I do prefer sweet, mellow, romantic and nostalgic ....kind of longing and envisioning what life would be like when that day comes. :)
Will be indebted to YOU.
@findingmywingsinlife - Thanks for reading!
@Bonnie Bonsai - Umm, let me clarify that I am not a musician. I imagine these musical elements and add them to my song. I don't think that is what you are after.
Thanks again!
your songs are often with a tinge of what you call 'literary virtue' in them. I do not know what i mean by that phrase myself. But, they have a sense of quality that is found in literature. Bingo that is what i meant.
Now this one is a song, a true nature song which i so wish i could hear. Like You are gifted you know, to imagine how it should be composed is an art. But I won't be satisfied unless I listen to this one. Wish I could...
This is beautiful...and like a lot of your writing - a sense of mystery blanketed by the words...I like that! Bring on more!
While reading .. I had this feeling.. u imagine great.. u have also have great musical aptitude..
n this song of urs proves it..
but as a poet I wud like to suggest a bit of more depth wud have been even greater...
anyways read my new post ..
Women have inspired so much over our history. I hope The One you talk of knows .. you wrote something this special. Keep writing !!!
Ajey... (and the call echos over the high mountain peaks, empty, I wonder what has happend. Perhaps he has been wandering in thought? Perhaps his schedule has been driving him insane...? Ah, hope he's doing well) ;D
This is a really beautiful song!!! It's really really good!!
I kept thinking along the lines of a mother's affection but after reading ur entire creation I realized that it could be taken for a female partner as well!!
Extremely well-done! Great going, bro!
where have u vanished brose?? missing the posts...
"The face of the Cyprian who feeds my sorrow"
Beautiful. I like how you have juxtaposed the instruments to fit the mood of the song. Guitar and pipa. THAT'S original! :) And great picture too!
Excellent. I certainly relate to the feeling of being with "the one" ... the one I pray for; the one I care for ... I'll always serve ... the one I will obey ...
Strong emotions- these are powerful words and expressions of love. Have a lovely week.
@Riddhi - Thanks!
@Noelle - Thanks!
@Gautam Anand - If understood right, the depth is more than necessary mate. Any ways, thanks!
@Aditya - Thanks!
@Bloggermouth - Thanks!
@Lily - Thanks!
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